Archived Project
Branding ● 2016
A wide-range branding project for a fictional space travel company. The project involved creating a language and collateral for a brand. The project started with a logomark, then led into a photographic language, then the application of these elements to the brand collateral.
Initial Mark Sketches
The values of the company meant that the logomark should convey an uplifting sense of movement. It should also convey a sense of exploration and some indication of celestial bodies.
The Final Mark
The final mark, selected after audience testing and feedback, was then integrated in with typography. 'NOVA' follows the same arc created by the wing of the ship to give a greater sense of movement and to also imitate a horizon.
The next step included developing collateral items, such as letterheads, websites, and a branding showcase booklet.
Archived Project
Design Speculation & Web Design ● 2017
A collaborative semester-long project. The overall goal was to create a product 7 years out that was within speculative reasoning. I worked on developing the user interface elements along with creating the website in Adobe Muse.
There were several points of cross collaboration on this project, but one of the large aspects I worked on was the user interface for the initialization.